The FX Office Globe Media (The FX Office) is an established payments service provider. The innovative FX Office model, optimized during years of operating experience, provides a superior, efficient payments and collections service. Millions has been invested in The FX Office coverage, operations and technology.

Industry Best Practice Efficiency
The use of specialized tools and experience of live operations over several years result in efficient processing, delivering STP rates consistently above 99%.

On-Demand, Banking as a Service (BaaS)
The FX Office provides an on‐demand service, on a white-label basis. Time to live is short and capital investment costs are minimal, contributing to an excellent ROI (Return on Investment).
Global Reach
The FX Office collects and remits international payments locally on behalf of corporate and banks in nearly 60 countries and territories today. The FX Office also makes payouts in all countries accessible via SWIFT.

High Transparency, Low Cost
Transparent services and low costs are direct consequence of The FX Office's innovative business model. The FX Office treats international payments as two separate domestic payments, which are processed either 'on-us' or through the national ACH (Automated Clearing House) infrastructures. ACHs offer very high service levels at very low cost, as they benefit from huge economies of scale. Transactions are fed into The FX Office's segregated accounts (known by different terms in different countries, such as 'client monies' or 'trust accounts').
The FX Office interlinks the accounts using a sophisticated virtual accounting system – a by product of which is that customers can, through logging into the The FX Office system, trace transactions across the globe. Liquidity is recycled or 'netted' across the accounts. The FX Office's model therefore avoids many of the complexities inherent in other international payments services, which contribute to their relatively poor efficiency and higher costs.

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